Biophysics – Just as the name suggests, Biophysics is a combination of Biology and Physics. We are all aware that Biology is a branch of science that deals with the study of diverse forms of life. The subject focuses on analyzing the patterns in life and the role of cells, molecules and organs within a living body.

On the other hand, Physics is all about calculations and tracking down the law of nature. Interestingly, Biophysics is a bridge between two crucial branches of science studies. Calling it multidisciplinary science wouldn’t be quite incorrect. Study of Biophysics is all about learning ways to put calculative methods and theories of physics into use for appropriate analyzation of biological systems.

Divisions of Biology: BiophysicsKarl Pearson was the first to discover Biophysics in the year 1892. Ground-works related to the study of interaction between cells and molecules and other activities like protein biosynthesis and functions of RNA and DNA are all covered under the subject of Biophysics. Therefore, Biophysics is not just about Biology and Physics. Instead, subjects like Nanotechnology, Computational Biology, Biochemistry, Bio-engineering and Systems Biology are all a major part of this special branch of science.


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